It takes significant time to compute. hahaha...
import bmesh import math class VDijkstra: def __init__(self, vert): self.id = vert.index self.v = vert self.bestParent = None self.dist2start = float('inf') self.distances = {} # init peers self.peers = set() for e in self.v.link_edges: v_other = e.other_vert(self.v) self.peers.add(v_other.index) dX = v_other.co[0] - self.v.co[0] dY = v_other.co[1] - self.v.co[1] dZ = v_other.co[2] - self.v.co[2] d = math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY + dZ*dZ) self.distances[v_other.index] = d print('vds['+str(self.id)+'].peers = '+str(self.peers)) def getDistance(v0, v1): dX = v0.co[0] - v1.co[0] dY = v0.co[1] - v1.co[1] dZ = v0.co[2] - v1.co[2] return math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY + dZ*dZ) #def procDijkstra(vds, H, A, start, goal): def procDijkstra(vds, H, A, start, goal, depth=0): print('---------------------------------------------') print('depth: '+str(depth)) if vds[goal].bestParent is not None: print('alreadily reached the goal.') return # d_min_i = None d_min_p = None d_best = float('inf') for i in A: vd = vds[i] w = vd.peers.intersection(H) #print('w = '+str(w)) for p in w: vp = vds[p] d = vd.distances[p] + vp.dist2start if d < d_best: print('found best') d_best = d d_min_i = i d_min_p = p vds[d_min_i].dist2start = d_best vds[d_min_i].bestParent = d_min_p if d_min_i == goal: vds[goal].bestParent = d_min_p return # H.add(d_min_i) A.remove(d_min_i) A = A.union(vds[d_min_i].peers - H) # print('d_min_i = '+str(d_min_i)) print('d_min_p = '+str(d_min_p)) print('H = '+str(H)) print('A = '+str(A)) procDijkstra(vds, H, A, start, goal, depth+1) return def djk(start, goal): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="OBJECT") o = bpy.context.scene.objects.active b = o.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(b) bm.verts.index_update() # nVerts = len(bm.verts) vds = [] for i in range(len(bm.verts)): vds.append(VDijkstra(bm.verts[i])) # print("num verts = "+str(len(vds))) # H = set() A = set() # H.add(vds[start].id) H = H.union(vds[start].peers) s = set() for i in H: s = s.union(vds[i].peers) vds[i].dist2start = getDistance(vds[i].v, vds[start].v) vds[i].bestParent = start print('H = '+str(H)) A = s - H print('A = '+str(A)) # procDijkstra(vds, H, A, start, goal) i = goal while True: bpy.context.object.data.vertices[i].select = True if start == i: break print(str(i)+' -> '+str(vds[i].bestParent)) i = vds[i].bestParent bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode="EDIT")