Entries from 2016-01-01 to 1 year
reboot the handset :
Warning: This code must be executed under Edit mode. import bpy import bmesh def up(v): for e in v.link_edges: ov = e.other_vert(v) if ov not in verts: verts.append(ov) up(ov) print(v.co.x, ",", v.co.y, ",", v.co.z, "," ) def down(v): prin…
The key is glFramebufferTexture2D in creating FBO. The image is rendered to the bound image buffer through the attachment point. /* texId[0] = texture from resource file texId[3] = texture on the fly in Frame Buffer 1 */ //////////////////…
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore [path]/key.keystore app-unsigned.apk keyNameAliaszipalign -v 4 app-unsigned.apk app-signed.apk
import bpy import bmesh obj = bpy.context.scene.objects.active m = obj.data bm = bmesh.new() bm.from_mesh(m) bm.verts.index_update() verts = [] # [6] [12] are examples firstV = bm.verts[6] secondV = bm.verts[12] verts.append(firstV) verts.…
import bpy obj = bpy.data.objects['Plane.001'] for x in obj.data.vertices: obj.matrix_world * x.co
While depth test enabled and overlay object has transparent-texture, underling object should be drawn first.